Bellahouston Park, Glasgow Fresh Air Business WALK

Bellahouston Park, Glasgow

Fresh Air Business WALK

Date: 11 Apr 25

Time: 10:00 - 13:30

5kms, 50m ascent

We will be including an optional score orienteering element in this event for those who fancy their navigation skills. No previous experience needed. It will be fun!

We will gather for brews and cake in the unique and very fabulous House for an Art Lover before taking in outdoor art installations, woodland, a dry ski slope, and big views over Glasgow.

There is no charge for this event although we are always appreciative of any company that would like to sponsor or part-sponsor refreshments & eats.

INTERESTED?  Simply contact Dave Stewart. Details below.  We will send you a link to the Joining Notes three weeks before.

Current Status (27 Dec 24) 14 places left (of 16).


Get in touch to book your place. Call +44 7776 153428 or email now

Call us on +44 7776 153 428
Email us