Decisions, decisions, decisions…

You make decisions all the time, right?

But are you any good at making them? Who says? You? Colleagues? Others?

Are you noticing how you make them? Do you go on gut feel? Data? Others’ suggestions? Loudest voices? Favoured voices?

What is a good decision in your world? What criteria? What about readiness? Your mood? Your general wellness? And who do you include? How does it work across departments, functions, geographies?

For example, the Joint Decision Model is used by the Emergency Services to manage complex situations involving multiple different agencies with their different cultures and ways of working.

You will note the statement of common purpose in the centre. This acts as a reference point throughout the decision-making process i.e. each step MUST support “Working together. Saving lives. Reducing harm.” So, if waiting to get solid information risks lives, the Emergency Services leaders will press on round “the wheel” and take early action if necessary.

The “wheel” also makes it clear that leaders can/must continuously “go round the wheel” i.e. decision making in an evolving situation is not a single cycle as every decision and action affects the situation which then requires consideration and further decisions and actions until the situation has been resolved


We work with the leaders and teams of scaling, merging, and resetting companies.

You would be surprised, maybe not, that decision making is often poorly considered, if at all. There is often a rush to action.  Quality thought and collective engagement are absent.

Sometimes it works. Sometime it doesn’t. What are the avoidable costs of not making this a top issue?


Sometimes decisions are COMMUNICATED AT colleagues. Fait accompli!

Sometimes colleagues are CONSULTED WITH about prospective decisions that are pretty much pre-determined.  Fait accompli too!

Sometimes they are a DEBATE between well defended positions. Winners and losers.

Sometimes they are made by an inner circle. Insiders and outsiders.


In high functioning teams, decisions are the outcome of genuine DIALOGUE where participants actively listen, and contribute without emotional attachment.

They create new understanding and novel insights in service of the business. Sometime this is not pretty but is embraced and valued as a creative process. Egos are parked elsewhere.


What about the conditions for effective decision-making? How much thought goes into this? Location? Framing? Participation? Psychological safety? Process? Commitment? Communication?


Let us look at the way decisions are made in your business. Let us help you develop a decision-making framework, one that helps you make consistently well considered decisions. A framework that recognises there are different types of decisions and different contexts. A framework that is flexible yet reliable. A philosophy as well as a process and practice.

If you are not making good decisions on a consistent basis, you aren’t really leading are you?

Be our client. Get in touch now.

Dave Stewart

Founder & Chief Executive
07776 153428