Listening, supporting, challenging

You need a sounding board, a trusted advisor. Maybe you need inspiration and fresh perspective.  Or help to crystallise some half-formed ideas. Support to find your mojo. Maybe you need to be told to stop overthinking stuff and to get on with some focussed action.

And as a team, you know something is missing. 

Maybe it is common purpose. Maybe it is accountability. Maybe it is a lack of creative challenge. Maybe it is trust. And once all the thinking and strategising is done, maybe you and your team need to be held to account for getting on and doing what you said you would!

We can help…

Indoors. Outdoors. Online.

Our coach-facilitator-consultants come from a rich bank of backgrounds, skills and life experiences that bring creative challenge and practical support to our leadership clients, hundreds of whom have joined us for 121 and team coaching, business walks, leadership journeys, team walkshops, team decelerators, and team missions since we launched in 2011. You can read more about us here.

Sounding Board/Trusted Advisor

Being the boss can be lonely. You need a trusted advisor with a range of listening, coaching, mentoring, facilitation, and consulting skills. An experienced leader you can engage as a peer. One from outside of your industry can be particularly valuable.

Coaching & Mentoring

For leaders and teams who need grown-up support that is more than just coaching. We will provide a number of candidate coach/mentors for you to interview for best fit, and then offer you a block of sessions within an agreed operating framework and code of conduct.


You need help to engage collectively around some of the biggest questions your business is facing.  We will design and facilitate powerful inquiry-based events that spark creativity and commitment, indoors and outdoors.  See more at Leadership Journeys, Team Walkshops, Team Decelerators, and Team Missions.

Red Teaming

You have developed a strategy, a plan, an initiative. Now you need a team that is on the right side of ruthless to challenge your assumptions and stress test your thinking. Read more here.

After Action Reviews 

Learning or After Action Reviews will help you and your team have the courageous and inclusive conversations to (1) unearth the multiple perspectives around what was expected to happen, (2) what people experienced as happening, (3) the development of a common narrative around the reasons for this variance, and (4) buy-in to the action and changes in behaviours required to mitigate the probability of recurrence.

Holding to Account

Engulfed by business as usual? Maybe all you need is an email prod a few weeks after committing to some course of action. Progress has stalled? Maybe you need more focussed support to develop and maintain momentum.

We can help…

Call +44 7776 153 428 or email me at

Dave Stewart, Managing Director

Helping leaders and teams work out who they are and what it is to lead well in their worlds


Sounding Board, Coach-Mentoring, Red Teaming, and Holding to Account can be delivered as stand alone activities or as part of your tailor made leadership programme.

Sounding Board. Coaching. Mentoring. Facilitation. Red Teaming. AARs. Holding to Account.