Much more than databases and deep freezes

The second in a series of January blogs about Resilience.

The capacity to bounce back after a set back. Resilience is such a hot topic across the business world.

But how many organisations really understand and invest deeply in the people dimension of this?

And governments across the world recognise to some extent their duty of care for the resilience of their national infrastructure. Power, transport, data, and other aspects. Organisations invest in lots of tangible things such as back up sources of power and duplicate databases. Banks and supermarkets would look sheepish if their computers and deep freezes didn’t work.

All good stuff. But not enough.

Cohesive, focussed and fired-up

How many organisations value personal and inter-personal resilience?

How effective under normal circumstances are the leaders and teams in your organisation? Dysfunctional? Just good enough? Maybe even pretty good? How do you know?

What could things look, sound and feel like under survival circumstances? Cohesive, focussed, and fired up? Or something quite different?

How much is invested? Which budget does this come from? Training, or risk, or somewhere else? It makes a huge difference. One budget is more resilient than the other!

Realistic optimism

There is a lot to unpack in the personal and inter-personal dimensions of resilience. We will explore more fully over the coming weeks.

For the moment, consider how well you think you know your thought processes. What are your patterns, your habits of thought? And what drives your actions? And what is the impact on those around you. When have you been a resilient leader? How do you know any of this? What is the nature of the relationship you have with those around you?

Are you able to fully grasp what is happening around you right now, yet still hold and drive to the clear possibility of a successful outcome? Realistic optimism, faith if you will.

More than databases and deep-freezes. More in future blogs.

Dave Stewart
Managing Director
The Fresh Air Learning Company Ltd