Category Archives: Blog

A return to Nature

(This is a guest blog by a good friend of ours – Andy Milward of Milward: Consulting & Research in Strategic Leadership

We are in the constant grip of unhealthy imperatives

Our quality of life is under assault. Employers exhort us to ‘drive’, to ‘compete’, to ‘deliver’, to be ‘crisp’. They expect us to act not reflect.

The virtual world has increased social distance and reduced personal intimacy. Face to face contact is the exception not the rule. Relationships have become shallow and transient. Trust is rare and suspicion is rife.

The pursuit of self-interest transcends the pursuit of the common good. We behave with reckless abandon, regardless of the damage we cause to others.

Aspirational advertising induces us to strive for things we can rarely attain, and certainly do not need.

We must always look good and never show weakness. If we fall short of the standards expected of us we have failed, not tried.

Life has become a debilitating competition

Perpetual media envelops us in misery with its selective reproduction of bad news and gloomy prognoses.

Press intrusion is making our private lives public.  Governmental intrusion is eroding our liberties.

We face a crisis in health

There is an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Young women unable to attain that perfect airbrushed body are afflicted with life-threatening disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia.

Substance abuse is ubiquitous.

The World Health Organisation forecasts that depressive illness is expected to constitute the second largest cause of disease burden in the world by 2020[1]

We are living in a permanent state of existential angst

But we were not intended to live this way. In our efforts to exploit the opportunities the world offers, we have lost sight of what really matters in life. The human and environmental cost is a devastating indictment of our behaviour. We are the architects of our own demise.

However, there is a simple thing we can all do to improve our own and others’ wellbeing.

It does not require decades of pharmaceutical research. It does not need a massive investment of taxpayers’ money. It does not require a revolution in ideology. The solution is all around us. We encounter it every day, but sadly we do not recognise it.

The solution is a return to nature

A return to nature is a retreat from the bruising turbulence of life. There is a great stillness in nature that restores our sense of presence and place.

As the ancients have taught us, meditation, yoga, and similar practices help us to control our attention, and deflect unwelcome thoughts.

A return to nature has the same effect. It is the most natural therapy.

It helps us learn to live in the present moment, not the guilty past, or in an anxious future.

We can learn to see, smell, feel, and hear again

Who is not moved by an early morning mist shrouding the landscape, rays of sunlight piercing a forest canopy, or the fragrance of flowers wafted on a balmy breeze.

Contemplate the serenity of a sunset, the magnificence of ice-capped mountains, or the eternal swell of the ocean.

Nature heals us with its music. The dawn chorus, the splatter of rain on a muddy path, the crunch of freshly fallen snow underfoot. The rustling of leaves in the trees, the crash of waves on the shore, the anguished howl of a gale.

We should learn from the animal world. Watch your pet dog or cat basking in the sun. They do not ruminate about the past, or worry about the future. They live in the present. Their sheer joy emanates from simply being in the world.

The majesty of nature disposes us to curb our self-conceit. It reminds us we are each but a minute part of a vast, mysterious universe. Although we each have a valuable role to play, no one of us is more important than any other.

Nature has the potential to re-humanise our participation in the social world

Our detachment from nature has impoverished our social conscience. By reconnecting with nature we can recover the cardinal virtues we have long abandoned.

Employers, teachers, politicians, anyone able to influence the thoughts, feelings, and behaviour of others, has a responsibility to reconnect with nature. Nature cleanses the mind, elevates the spirit, but above all, it inspires moral action.

A return to nature should be a compulsory element in everyone’s personal development. Unfortunately, it does not feature largely in our educational curriculum. Policy makers take note.

Andy Milward

Milward: Consulting & Research in Strategic Leadership

[1] WHO. (2008). “What is Depression?”   Retrieved 10 July 2016, from


(This is a guest blog by a good friend of ours – Andy Milward of Milward: Consulting & Research …

The CEO burst into tears

Dear CEO,

A friend of mine once asked a CEO colleague when he, the CEO, had last heard bird song.

The CEO burst into tears.

He had been living a life in offices, taxis, trains and planes. Incessantly.

What are you hearing just now?

Intermittent high pitched screeching? The threatening bass riff from Jaws? Maybe an uplifting orchestral film score? Or something distractingly discordant?

Who is the conductor in all of this? Maybe its a happily creative jam session. Or a disorganised cacophony on a loop?

And what of the whispers?

And the lows and highs on the edge of hearing?

How do you attend to those? And what sense are you making of these? Great ideas in the making? Or the fin of an inbound shark?

Back to the tearful CEO.

There’s something right there about being disconnected from something important. Something we are missing in our flat worlds of screens, spreadsheets, tables, flip-charts,  floors, roads and runways. Something that refreshes, inspires, and energises. And a whole lot more.

Dear CEO,  when did you last hear bird song. And savour it? Deeply?

Dave Stewart

Managing Director

The Fresh Air Learning Company

Dear CEO, A friend of mine once asked a CEO colleague when he, the CEO, had last …

Leave the office? Bad things could happen…

Earlier this week we walked with the owners of Valuable Content in the Mendip Hills, just south of Bristol. We do this sort of thing a lot.

Four of us. A short walk. Something like 6kms in under 2 hours. At a pace that allowed for easy talking and laughter. With lots of stops to take in the views, listen to birdsong, and feel the breeze on our faces.

An early sandwich. And then to the office.

Mood changing. Uplifting. Inspiring. Energising.

Gordon Bennett! When did you last feel like this in a business meeting or workshop?

A creative thinking walk isn’t possible for many business leaders of course. Is it? Here are 3 reasons why this is so “evidently” the case. You will know of other excuses reasons. Let me know.

The tail wags the dog!

“Mondays are just SO busy. All those anxious weekend emails, as well as the old smelly lurkers. I need my Monday morning to get stuck into these as well as chair a couple of really important meetings”.

Come on! You are a leader. A shaper of futures. And here you are dancing to the tune of other people’s emails. How about a simple out-of-office message that tells people you will look at emails in the afternoon (or whenever)? You have cleared the space; they know the score; everyone is cool. Be more dog. Own your tail. Don’t overthink it. Just get out and give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen….

Bad things could happen!

“If I am not there to answer questions, give direction, and provide “tone” it could all fall apart!”

Oh really! Sounds like you are a brilliant doer of stuff with a time horizon measured in hours. Not the architect of your business’ future. So here’s an idea. Put something in your diary which says “this morning/day/week I am going to be a leader, do leader’y stuff, do some powerful thinking, have significant conversations, attend to my personal wellness and resilience” etc.. Use your task management skills to task manage your business’ leadership needs!


“I don’t know these people. What if the weather is bad? What’s the value of this investment in my time? I might give it a go someday.”

Great points. You are a leader operating in a complex and challenging business environment. You are expert at balancing risk and opportunity. You understand the need for external expertise and collaborations. And you are constantly looking to innovate. So, here’s what you do. Do some due diligence (start with the almost weekly media articles around the business value of walking, talking, and thinking in the outdoors), personally model the experimentation mindset that underpins your claims to be agile and innovative, and COMMIT. There are seven days in the week and SOMEday isn’t one of them 🙂

And finally…

When you do commit to be more dog and go outdoors, do so as part of a group or one of your formed teams. Large or small, it doesn’t matter. It’s a bit of a cop out to go on your own. Ok, that’s a bit harsh – the point is that there is huge power to be had in bouncing and building fresh ideas with others. But you know this.

Go on, give it a go. Here are some other great reasons to do so.

Dave Stewart

Managing Director

The Fresh Air Learning Company

Earlier this week we walked with the owners of Valuable Content in the Mendip Hills, just south …

Ben Fogle, Chief Execs and Camping – Why Ben is Wrong

In a recent interview for the Guardian, Ben Fogle expressed the belief that ten days in a tent in the wilderness is enough to change the outlook and management style of any businessman or woman for the better.


Here are 3 reasons why.

# 1: I am not burnt out yet

I have a ton of stuff to get done. And so my attention needs to stay focussed on this. Action, action, action. Going outdoors, walking, camping, whatever. It’s just going to distract me with lots of sensory stimulation. And all those metaphors that will creep up and knock me on the head, tug at my heart, and mess with my spirit. Just too much opportunity for me to start seeing things differently. I have already told you what I need. Focus, focus, focus!

It’s a bit warm in here isn’t it? Or is it just me?

# 2: I don’t want any dodgy things happening to my body’s biochemistry

All this movement through natural landscapes allows spooky stuff to happen, not least a lightening of mood, and openness to fresh ideas. Have you any idea how much havoc this could play with the plans we have in place and need to execute on with an unrelenting focus? Isn’t there already enough change going on!

And another thing. I don’t need a Natural Health Service for body, heart, mind and spirit. I’m very happy with the National Health Service, thank you.

# 3: Great thinking needs comfortable surroundings

What could be better than the comfort and predictability of a hotel conference suite for creative dialogue anchored in unforgettable experiences? And all those brilliant evenings at the bar. Awesome value for money!

When I think back over the last 10 years, I can remember lots of great moments, turning points, business winning insights…… Actually, I am not sure really that I do. Hey ho. It’s about today anyway. I’ve told you before. Focus, focus, focus.


Of course, you may not be swayed by my reasoning. And maybe you’re going to give the outdoors a go regardless? Folly if you ask me!

And maybe you’re going to involve your colleagues.

Here are seven allegedly great reasons that you will probably draw on to persuade them.

I hope they don’t get suckered in.

Keep on doing what you have always done, and you’ll always get what you’ve always got

That’s what you want. Right?


Dave Stewart

Managing Director

The Fresh Air Learning Company

In a recent interview for the Guardian, Ben Fogle expressed the belief that ten days in a …

An assumption of magic!

This is the first in a series of short blogs that add meat to our teaser paper “13 Reasons Why Your Team Probably Isn’t Very Good …

Reason 1: An assumption of magic!

Your organisation spends big money on individuals, infrastructure, IT and change programmes.

But what attention is being paid to teams? And how stellar do they need to be?

We often come across a prevailing assumption that good stuff will somehow happen by good people just turning up.

It’s almost an assumption that magic will happen.

Of course the whole “team” concept is problematic. It is a generic term that masks different types of team, each type optimised for different times and contexts.

It can also be seductive. Teams are cool and aspirational.

And they can be full of egos. Not just the toxic kind of ego, but the straightforward and well-meaning, “I have been leading teams for 20 years. We don’t need any external support. I have it covered. But thanks for asking.”

So, who in your organisation is asking these questions?

  • What is a team?
  • What types are there?
  • What do we need around here?
  • How do we team at our very best? On a consistent basis?
  • How do we stay sharp and relevant?

Back to the magic. You can do nothing and hope that good people working together will deliver good results. Yes, that can work. “Ordinary” is a safe goal to aim for.

But what is possible when you pay real attention to the philosophy and practice of teams? What happens when you move beyond the generic, beyond the cool and aspirational, beyond the masks and egos? What happens when you see teams as hubs of creativity and learning, and engines of consistently successful delivery? What happens when you invest in this belief?

Way beyond ordinary is possible!

Future blogs in this series based on “13 Reasons Why Your Team Probably Isn’t vey Good…..” will provide some tips on how to invest in your teams to help them operate at their very best on a consistent basis.

This is the first in a series of short blogs that add meat to our teaser paper …

Executives! 7 Great Reasons to Go Outdoors

“If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.”

You may recognise the truth of this. And you probably already value a walk to clear your thoughts. But how many formed teams embrace the outdoors as a competitive source of fresh thinking, richer relationships, collective clarity and resolve?

Here are 7 great reasons to go outdoors together.

And if this inspires you, why don’t you consider joining us on Highland Hack – a facilitated journey on foot for senior leaders through the iconic scenery of the Scottish Highlands 14 – 18 Mar 16? 4 nights full board, 3 days walking, 2 great coaches, and lots more….

So, 7 great reasons to go outdoors.


Very few executives have told us they do their best thinking in the office! Aesthetically pleasing natural environments have long been held to offer a range of therapeutic effects. A natural health service for the body, heart, mind and spirit!


Our body biochemistry changes as we move through natural landscapes. Blood pressure drops, mood lightens, and self-esteem rises. We become more open to fresh ideas.

Burn-out Recovery

We have two systems of attention. One, “directed attention” is used to solve problems. This focused faculty appears to have limited capacity, and without rest can lead to “burn out”. The second, “involuntary attention” is used to maintain awareness of our environment and does not seem to deplete. Stimuli-rich natural environments can strongly engage this second form of attention so creating an opportunity for our directed attention to rest and recover.

Boundary Removal

Many of the boundaries normally encountered in the workplace limit creativity and relationship building. They do not exist in the outdoors. This can create a sense of freedom, trigger significant shifts in perspective, and enrich the nature of our conversations with one another.

Inspiring Metaphor

The outdoors is super-rich in metaphor which, with expert facilitation, can be a source of inspirational thinking, fresh meaning, revitalised relationships and a collective commitment to transformative action.

Story Creation

Powerful, lasting stories often arise from activities in the outdoors. Creatively organised and facilitated, these personally experienced and collectively constructed stories can become binding narratives for individuals, teams and organisations.

Cost Effective

Outdoor work can be highly cost-effective. Humble rural bases, communal living, simple food, and active participation in the outdoors can provide a deeper, longer lasting experience.

Dave Stewart

Managing Director, The Fresh Air Learning Company

“If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always …

Andrew sees a light!

My phone rang.

“I’ve resigned!”

Andrew’s voice had a curiously “New Year, new me” kind of tone to it.

This is the fifth of six blogs in the mini-series about the exasperated executive and his difficult Christmas.

He had been sleeping badly. My questions had unsettled him. His walk along the beach had been a turning point.

“Dave. I’ve seen a light. Now having post-resignation doubts about whether it was THE light! The beach was great. But I need to walk and talk with others. An executive escape. A “hackathon” to clarify and simplify some of the confusing stuff running around in my head.”

We worked together and came up with this:

Updated Highland Hack Infographic

So what actually happened on Day 2? How does a creative walking lab, an inquiry-at-walking-pace work? Read next time when I will also summarise some of the questions and tools we used. Would be great to get your feedback on your use of them or similar ones.

A video too. Soon….

My phone rang. “I’ve resigned!” Andrew’s voice had a curiously “New Year, new me” kind of tone …

“A bit like sex. Alone works. Better with others!”

Andrew was about to admit something.

Something unsettling and game-changing.

We continue the story of the exasperated senior executive, Andrew. And how he ended up having a light bulb moment a few months later. On Day 2 of a Spring walking retreat in the Scottish Highlands.

He had been out walking. Alone.

A temporary relief from a pressured, largely indoors Christmas at the in-laws. New Year a couple of days away. And now out in the fresh air.  A near-deserted beach. Incredibly beautiful.

He called me on his mobile.

“Dave. I’m out walking. Windy as hell. But I tell you what. This wild place is making me think differently. I am not going to try and explain it because that is just the point!

“What I am noticing is that I am noticing! Really weird. Less explaining and more exploring. Does that makes sense? Bit like a rock guitarist working up some new riffs.”

“Unsettling as hell though.”

“This walk and your questions have really turned me inside out. All that stuff about activity versus achievement, and those boxes you asked me to colour in. Been eating away at me!”

“I am scared, and strangely relieved, because I think you have called my bluff as a leader. Or, you have helped me call my own bluff I should say!”

“Standing here looking out over this beach, hearing the seagulls, and feeling the wind on my face, I realise my normal horizons and senses are limited. In fact it is as if I spend all my time looking at my feet making sure my laces are tied and there is nothing on the floor to trip me up. I spend most of my time managing. Don’t I? That’s it. Isn’t it?”

I need some help”

“A bit like sex. Alone works, but better with others.”

An unusual and encouraging flash of humour, I thought.

“Not sure I can develop this conversation with my executive team colleagues yet. It’s a trust thing I guess. Reputation. Fear. What if they’ve spotted this facade, and I am the last to realise it?”

I wished him a Happy New Year and said I would get back with some ideas.

To be continued…

Dave Stewart

Managing Director, The Fresh Air Learning Company

Andrew was about to admit something. Something unsettling and game-changing. We continue the story of the exasperated …

“I hate ……. Christmas!”

An exasperated senior executive told me, “I f……. hate Christmas!”

Recognise this? Shocked?

His mad crazy year of busy’ness had come to a screeching halt.

Too much red wine. A busy London pub. A very unhappy man.

He explained that he felt forced into slowing right down and being the husband, father, and son his corporate life had kept him away from. Spending time doing non-things with no purpose. Driving him nuts.

“So, who is this bad guy who is doing these things to you? What ‘s his name? What does he look like? What sorts of things does he say to you?

He really didn’t like that. No happy penny-dropping moment. Not there.

But fast forward to Day 2 of a walk in the Scottish Highlands. That’s where it dropped for sure.

See next time for how a guy like this agreed to go for a walk in Scotland!

Dave Stewart

Managing Director, The Fresh Air Learning Company Ltd

An exasperated senior executive told me, “I f……. hate Christmas!” Recognise this? Shocked? His mad crazy year …